Statues in English


The name of the foundation is Ikikaiku-elämänperintösäätiö in Finnish, Ikikaiku Living Heritage Foundation in English (The name ”Ikikaiku” meaning ”Eternal Echo”), and Stiftelsen för levnadsarvet Ikikaiku  in Swedish. 

The secondary name is Ikikaiku Foundation, in Finnish Ikikaiku-säätiö and in Swedish Ikikaiku stiftelsen.

The Foundation’s official location is in Jämsä, Finland.


The purpose of the Ikikaiku Foundation is to research the best practices of sustainable ways of living and to teach these in workshops, lectures, permanent exhibitions, etc. to other organisations, schools and anyone interested. Our activities are open to anyone interested in a sustainable way of life. We offer a medium for building sustainability. The foundation’s delegation of devotees serves the surrounding society as an expert organisation on sustainable living. The Ikikaiku Foundation fosters natural biodiversity and sustainable human life as a part of nature.

In addition, the purpose of the Ikikaiku Foundation is to make it possible to dedicate oneself to taking care of a piece of land in a sustainable way without owning land but without the risk of losing one’s connection to the land, by:


To carry out its purpose, the Foundation:


The initial capital comprises monetary donations and a real estate, which is parceled out from the ”Runokylän Tärkkilä” estate (182-403-6-6) in Haavisto village, Jämsä. The Foundation has a financial and funding plan which will not endanger the devotees’ rights to their area of care responsibility. 

Ikikaiku Foundation can:

The Foundation cannot endanger devotion security nor the permanence of areas for devotion through investments, debt, or other activities.


Ikikaiku Foundation will foster equality and tolerance. Sociocratic methods will guide the foundation’s activities, unless the Foundations Act states otherwise.


The donor of real property has the right to define which dimensions of sustainability mentioned in 2§ will be carried out on the real property in addition to the general, comprehensive aim for sustainability. The donor will be heard when the real property’s care plan is made.

Founders and other donors have the possibility to reserve rights associated with the assets they have turned over. As private individuals, they can do so for a maximum duration of their lifetime, and as a community or a foundation, for a maximum duration of ten years.


An apprentice will have one year to get to know their potential care responsibility area and to obtain the skills needed to maintain the estate according to the sustainability areas selected for the property. Apprentices pay reasonable, current rent for their area and any buildings owned by the Foundations that are used by the apprentice. During the apprenticeship, the apprentice creates a management plan for the care responsibility area.

After an apprenticeship it is possible to apply for the status of a devotee or use 6 more months to consider, after which the apprentice’s lease may be terminated within a month of finding a new apprentice.


After a person has served one year as an apprentice or is otherwise accepted by the Foundation, they have a permanent right to earn a living by managing and benefitting from their care responsibility area, carrying out the property’s dimensions of sustainability according to their management plan for the care responsibility area. If the Foundation’s financial situation calls for it, a devotee will pay an annual maintenance charge to the Foundation to cover all the statutory  expenses of the property as well as other expenses stated in the devotee contract, such as taxes, road maintenance charges and insurances. If financially viable, the Foundation is obliged to offer self-sustained devotees the possibility to live in an indigenous way outside the monetary economy.

A devotee’s investments and work put into their living environment will increase the value of the Foundation’s property. Devotion can thus be considered as continuous donating to the Foundation.

The Foundation takes into account continuity in such a way that a devotee’s inheritant has the primary right, if they so wish, to continue the work of their parents as devotees after proving their capacity in sustainability skills.


All those who have made a devotee contract with the Foundation are members of the delegation of devotees. In addition, the delegation can invite experts on sustainable living who are devoted to the purpose of the Foundation to become members. Apprentices have the right of presence and the right to speak in the meetings of the delegation of devotees.

The delegation of devotees will assemble for an annual meeting some time from the beginning of October until the end of December by invitation of the executive board. The invitation has to be sent at least four weeks in advance by the method decided by the delegation. Issues to be handled in the meeting should be mentioned in the invitation.

The delegation can handle other issues than those mentioned in the invitation, if all the devotees present give their consent.

The delegation of devotees:

The Foundation’s executive board or the chairperson of the delegation can call extra meetings of the delegation. The chairperson has to call a meeting if at least half of the delegates demand it in writing.

The delegation of the devotees is quorate when the meeting is called according to the statutes and there are at least three members attending. It is possible to attend the meeting by means of a telecommunications connection or other technical aid.

A decision made by the delegation of the devotees is a suggestion approved by all the attendants in the meeting. In a sociocratic election, those with most votes will be elected.

The provisions of Chapter 3, Section 4, Subsection 1 of the Foundations Act (Säätiölaki) concerning the incapacity of a member of the Board of Directors shall apply to the incapacity of any member of the delegation of devotees.

Minutes shall be taken of the meetings of the delegation of the devotees, including the decisions taken and the votes cast. The minutes shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the meeting and by the two examiners.

The delegation of the devotees will discuss the following issues at the annual meeting:


The Board of Directors has a minimum of three and a maximum of nine full members and an equal number of deputy members.

The following entities may each appoint one member and one deputy member to the Board:

The Board appoints 1-3 more members and an equal number of personal deputies to the Board. The members are appointed from among the candidates nominated by associations registered in Finland which support the purpose of the foundation.

The delegation of the devotees may appoint 1-3 members and an equal number of alternates to the Board.

The term of office of a member of the Board is three (3) years. The same person may be elected to the Board of Directors up to 3 times in a row.

The Board elects a chairperson from among its members.

The Board of Directors:


The Board of Directors is convened by the Chairperson, or, in their absence, by the Vice-Chairperson or two other members of the Board together.

The invitation must be sent at least five days before the meeting.

The Board of Directors has a quorum in the presence of the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson and half of the other members of the Board. Decisions are made sociocratically.

The Board should consult with the delegation of devotees as experts on sustainability issues.

Minutes of the Board meeting are drawn up, in which decisions and votes are recorded. The minutes shall be signed by the chairperson of the meeting and by at least one member elected for it at the meeting.


The Board meets at its annual meeting by the end of April each year. An invitation to the annual meeting must be sent at least five days before the meeting.

At the annual meeting of the Board


The office and the activities of the Foundation can be directed by an executive director chosen by the Board, according to the instructions of the chairperson and the Board.

The chairperson or another person selected by the Board is the Executive Director’s superior. Operative power can be delegated to the Executive Director, according to guidelines given by the Board.

The Board decides on the Executive Director’s and other functionaries’ terms of employment.


The foundation may have supporters who regularly donate to the Foundation. Regular supporters can be private individuals or communities such as enterprises or associations. The foundation maintains a register of supporters according to privacy laws, and they will be sent information on the activities of the Foundation.


A devotee is obliged to notify the Board and devotees of any activity that they notice in the Foundation’s property that goes against the rules or bylaws of the foundation.


The chairperson is authorised to represent the foundation.  The Board can authorise the executive director alone or two members of the Board together to represent the foundation.


The foundation has an auditor and a viceauditor to supervise the foundation’s accounts. They are elected by the delegation of devotees for one (1) year at a time.

The foundation’s accounting period is the calendar year. The accounts and a report of the foundation’s activities in the previous year, accepted by the Board, must be given to the auditor after the annual meeting in April. The auditor then must give their report by the end of April. If the auditor’s report gives reason to do so, the Board must meet during May at the latest to decide on any action to be taken due to the auditor’s report.


Certified copies of the following must be delivered to the Finnish Patent and Registration Office by the end of June:

The Finnish Patent and Registration Office must be notified without delay of any changes to members of the Board or to the Foundation’s representatives.


The delegation of devotees may decide that a special audit of the Foundation’s accounts is to be carried out. 


The board decides on changes to these rules. The Foundation’s founders and the delegation of devotees must accept any change to the rules. Any change to the rules and the key contents of the change must be mentioned in the meeting invitation. Changing the rules requires sociocratic unanimity.

A rule change comes into effect once the Finnish Patent and Registration Office has registered the change.


If carrying out the purpose of the Foundation has become impossible or evidently fruitless as intended in the the Foundations Act (Säätiölaki), the Foundation may be dissolved.

Dissolution requires the Board meeting’s decision in two subsequent meetings, so that the meetings are at least three months apart.

The decision to dissolve must immediately be communicated to the Finnish Patent and Registration Office.

In the event of dissolution of the Foundation, its funds will be transferred to a legal person carrying out the purpose of the Foundation in accordance with the Board’s decision. If the Foundation’s remaining funds cannot be transferred to a legal person carrying out the Foundation’s purpose, devotees are entitled to buy their care responsibility area at the price of the cost of parcelling out of the land, or, if no cost is involved, at the nominal price of one euro, and other remaining funds will be shared equally between devotees.